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Jaidip Patra
Rank 1
Jeca cracker team will always remain in my heart. The wonderful group of students has helped me learn better and sharpen my knowledge. The entire jeca cracker mock test as well as the quizzes helped me in problem solving. The discussions in the group was always enriching. -
Brandon Luke Williams
Rank 5
I would say the mock tests really helped in discovering new questions and giving me confidence for the final exam and the notes were the only thing I used to prepare for the exam -
Vishal Shaw
Rank 10
I want to express my gratitude to JECACRACKER for helping me throughout the journey. It is comprehensive and well-structured mock tests helped me to test my knowledge about individual topics with a detailed analysis of every mocks. -
Ankan Roy
Rank 11
From my initial phase of preparation to the final touch of Jadavpur Campus. -
Manisha Kumari
Rank 47
It was very helpful for the subjects which I have not prepared before. Mock tests were really very helpful. And seniors are always there to solve the doubts regarding andy subject. -
Pritisha Mukherjee
Rank 50
Jeca cracker mock test helped me to understand the question pattern and solve various questions. -
Arunima Karmakar
Rank 27
It was the best guide ever...it helped me in the optimum way to answer any type of question in the exam and hence built my confidence. -
Eashan Sarkar
Rank 82
all notes, video suggestion, and every mock test was help me to prepare jeca exam, and also weekly quize,( mock test are very good that help to increase my confidence level